Matching Gift
Enhance your gift to Hawk Creek through your employer’s Matching Gift Program!
Matching gift programs are an excellent way to enhance the value of your individual donation. It’s easy and is at no additional cost to you. Ask your employer today to match (or triple!) your donation to Hawk Creek and contribute to our mission of wildlife education, conservation, and community improvement.
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Hawk Creek Wildlife Center, Inc. qualifies as a matching gift recipient. Many companies implement their matching gift programs through online forms, payroll deductions, or paper forms. Simply ask your human resources department if they participate in a matching gift program and how you can take part.
Mail your donation and employer’s matching gift form to us and we’ll do the rest!:
Hawk Creek Wildlife Center, Inc., PO Box 662, East Aurora, NY 14052-0662
Ask your employer to demonstrate their commitment to the community by matching your gift to Hawk Creek today! Thank you for supporting Hawk Creek’s mission of environmental education, conservation, and research!
For more information contact Hawk Creek at 716-652-8646.
Planned Giving
Ensure our future with your Planned Giving today
Hawk Creek’s Planned Giving Program makes a difference in the future of our mission, our community, and our environment. Plan your support today and leave your legacy by including Hawk Creek Wildlife Center, Inc. as a beneficiary of your will/bequest, living trust, life insurance, real estate, qualified retirement plans, charitable remainder trust, charitable gift annuity or through the donation of stocks, bonds and securities.
Planned giving offers Hawk Creek supporters like you the opportunity to make meaningful charitable gifts while receiving significant tax-deduction benefits and enhancing estate planning goals. Your gift is tax deductible.
Please contact your legal or financial advisor for more information on preparing your gift!
Hawk Creek Wildlife Center, Inc., PO Box 662 East Aurora, NY 14052.
Hawk Creek is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, EIN 16-1395421
To friends and supporters of Hawk Creek who wish to help by means of provisions in their will, the following wording is suggested: “I give, devise, and bequeath to Hawk Creek Wildlife Center, Inc. a New York State nonprofit 501 (c)(3) corporation located at 1963 Mill Rd., West Falls, NY 14170 the sum of $_________, (or other specifically described property.)”
We welcome your inquires about bequests; our lawyers will assist you in any way possible. Please contact Hawk Creek at 716-652-8646 or Tanya@hawkcreek.org